Your three-digit credit score is a go-to indication of your trustworthiness that banks, credit card issuers, and car dealerships all use to help predict the likelihood of you repaying a loan. This myth is so pervasive for two reasons: 1. People Are Using “credit Score” And “credit Report” Interchangeably. 2. Employers […]
Young entrepreneurs have the challenge of raising funds on little to no credit history. Here’s how to overcome this obstacle. Read more…
The debt didn’t worry me. At 22, I decided would be just like my mother and live my life in the red. Looking back on it now, I realize I was rationalizing self-destructive behavior. I was blaming the universe for my own decisions. But I also have compassion for that younger me. […]
You might think that your credit has everything to do with your credit card. But, in fact, your credit report and score arent as closely tied to those slips of plastic as you might think. And your credit report, which documents every line of credit youve had for potential lenders, can […]
Were so used to hearing about how we need to get rid of credit card debt, and how credit cards are evil, that we often forget that they can be great financial tools. Yes, its important to pay off credit card debt. However, with a little planning, you can incorporate credit cards into […]
You applied for a new credit card, and you were approved! After all, there is must be something you need or want. However, if you are not careful, your spending ways can damage or even ruin your credit. Here are 4 ways you can ruin your credit so that you can avoid […]
A new study indicates that some Americans find it difficult to get jobs due to the information contained in their credit reports. CNN Money reports that a study conducted by the Demos think-tank suggests that about 25% of Americans are required to submit to a credit check when applying for a job, and […]
By now, most of us know that a credit score matters when youre looking for a loan. If you want approval for a mortgage, or the best rate on a car loan, you need a good credit score. But, if youre not planning to borrow, your credit score doesnt matter, right? A credit […]