Many of us recovering from a financial setback, in which bills went unpaid for an extended period of time, wind up with accounts in collections. Here are 10 common questions about credit scores and debt collectors
1. What Should I Do When I Make A Debt Collector An Offer To Pay For Delete?
2. How Much Will My Credit Score Increase If I Pay Off The Debt Collector?
3. If A Debt Collector Says They Will Mark My File As A Refusal To Pay, How Badly Does That Hurt My Credit?
4. How Do I Get A Judgment Removed From My Credit Report?
5. Will Settling Or Paying A Collection Account Cause It To Stay On My Credit Report For 7 More Years?
6. Can I Negotiate With My Credit Card Bank, Or Start Making Payments Again, And Get Them To Remove A Charge-Off?
7. Why Is A Debt Collector Reporting A Different Balance Owed Than My Original Creditor?
8. Why Are There Inquires From Debt Collectors On My Credit Report?
9. If A Debt Buyer Agrees To Accept Less Than What I Owe As Payment In Full, How Bad Will A Settled For Less Mark On My Credit Report Hurt My Credit If I Cannot Pay My Debt In Full?
10. Can I Settle With A Debt Collector For Less And Get Them To Agree To Report That I Paid In Full?