The vast majority of people don’t need to pay any annual fees on their credit cards, and because free credit cards are so competitive now, you rarely need to pay for the privilege of using your card. The only exception is if you spend enough to justify the extra rewards […]
Most of what you read in personal finance blogging tells you that you need a perfect credit score. While many of us think about credit scores as a quest for 850, there is really no need to have a perfect credit score. People get new credit cards, mortgages and car loans […]
Family bonds are strong. Most of us would do anything for family. So during family time this season, you might have a sibling pull you aside and quietly but politely ask you if you would co-sign a loan for them. It puts you in an awkward position. Should you take on […]
Looking for tips to build your credit? Here’s a slew of them to help you get your credit back on track. 1. Set A Date Night With Your Credit. 2. Don’t Overlook The Obvious. 3. Mark Your Calendar. 4. Watch Out For Credit Report Double Jeopardy. 5. Don’t Be Afraid To Bargain […]